Unbelievable but True! The Clever Crow and the Ant Army

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Once upon a time, in a quiet village surrounded by lush forests and sparkling streams, there lived a curious crow named Cawley.

Cawley was not just any crow; he was known far and wide for his intelligence and resourcefulness.

He often observed the world around him, learning new tricks and skills to survive and thrive in the wild.

The Clever Crow and the Ant Army

If the crow gets sick, he attacks the ant house and digs it out. Then the crow opens its wings and stands up without movement and lets the ants attack it.

In this attack, ants sprinkle formic acid on it, which acts as a pesticide for fungi and germs, and the crow gets rid of the causes of the disease.

One particularly hot summer, Cawley began to feel unwell. His feathers felt heavy, his energy waned, and he was constantly itchy.

However, He realized he had fallen prey to a nasty fungal infection. Desperate to find a cure, Cawley recalled an unusual sight he had once witnessed in the forest.

He remembered seeing another crow, equally sick, perform a strange ritual with a colony of ants.

Though it seemed bizarre at the time, Cawley now felt a glimmer of hope and decided to try it for himself.

With renewed determination, Cawley flew to a large anthill he knew lay deep within the forest.

He landed softly near the entrance, observing the bustling ants carrying out their daily tasks.

Then, summoning all his courage, Cawley began to peck and scratch at the anthill, causing a small disturbance. The ants, sensing an intruder, swarmed out in defense.

Cawley took a deep breath, spread his wings wide, and stood completely still. The ants, agitated and ready to protect their home, climbed onto Cawley and began to attack.

So, They bit and sprayed formic acid, a potent chemical defense mechanism they used against predators and threats.

At first, the sensation was uncomfortable, but Cawley remained motionless, knowing he had to endure it for the treatment to work. The formic acid burned slightly, but soon he began to feel a strange relief.

The acid acted as a powerful antiseptic, killing the fungi and germs that had plagued him.

The ants, relentless in their attack, unknowingly provided the exact remedy Cawley needed.

After what felt like hours, the ants began to retreat, satisfied they had driven away the threat.

Cawley, although a bit sore from the bites, felt a remarkable difference.

His feathers felt lighter, and the itching had subsided significantly.

He carefully shook off the remaining ants, thanked them silently, and flew back to his favorite perch in the village.

Over the next few days, Cawley’s health improved dramatically. The fungal infection was completely gone, and he regained his strength and vitality.

The villagers, who had always admired Cawley, were amazed at his swift recovery and wondered about his secret.

Cawley, of course, kept his clever cure to himself, a testament to his ingenuity and the incredible symbiosis of nature.

And so, the legend of Cawley the crow and his miraculous recovery spread throughout the forest, a true story of nature’s wonders and the unbelievable yet true methods animals use to survive.

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  1. I knew a man who burnt his foot in a fire while in the wilderness. He swore to me that the ants came in a stream and took away the resulting infection, allowing that wound to heal swiftly and cleanly. Guess he was telling the truth.

  2. 🩷❤️💖 beautiful

    Blessed and Happy afternoon 🌞

    Greetings 👋🇪🇦 pk 🌎


  3. Such an amazing story! I love crows.

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