DNA test has been available in the domestic cat since the 1960’s. but as like other breeds. Over the past 50 years, the level of resolution has develop from the chromosome level to the sequence level.
Knowing the direct causative mutation for a trait or disease assist cat breeders with the breeding programs.
However, It can help clinicians determine heritable presentations versus idiopathic versions of a health concern.
DNA tests cover all the various forms of DNA variants, including chromosomal abnormalities.
Moreover, it include the MTDNA variation, gene loss, translocations, large inversions, small insertions and deletions and the simple nucleotide substitutions.
Higher throughput technologies have made DNA testing cheaper, simpler and faster. So, thereby making cat genetic testing affordable to the lay public and small animal practice clinicians.
The DNA resources for cats and other animal species have also opened the doors for animal evidence to be supportive in criminal investigations.
This article about DNA test will highlight the various tests available for the domestic cat. More their specific capabilities and role’s in cat health and management.
Domestic cat DNA test
Some of the earliest DNA testing for any species was the examination of the chromosomes to determine the presence of the normal.
That complete genomic complement. Early studies of mitotic chromosomes of the domestic cat revealed an easily distinguishable karyotype.
That is consisting of 18 autosomal chromosomes and the XY sex chromosome pair. For that resulting in a 2N complement of 38 chromosomes for the cat genome.

We know that Cat breeds chromosomes are defined by size. Also identify by centromere position; distinctive giemsa banding patterns of the short (p) and long (q) arms of each chromosome. More the presence of only a few small acrocentric chromosomes. Various cytogenetic techniques have also helped distinguish and characterize the cat chromosomes.
Although the cat genome is conserved to humans. That certain well known chromosomal abnormalities are not found. For example, cats do not have a significant fragile X site on the X chromosome that is associated with mental retardation.
Most of the disease tests in cats that are very specific to breeds. Then the populations are available as commercial genetic tests.
Cat DNA Test, is it Accurate?
It’s not that they aren’t reliable, it’s that cat DNA isn’t as diversified as cat DNA. All the breeds are just still quite close because some have only been around a few decades.
So instead of breeds being clearly defined after hundreds of years of diversifying from other breeds, they are all pretty similar mixes with different characteristics expressed.
For example ragdolls are technically just long hair moggies that were bred from a stray cat and mixes for a few decades till we have what we have now.
But what defines them as ragdolls is that their lineage can be traced back to the first cat the breeder started with. A DNA test could show a purebred ragdoll as a lot of breeds because not so long ago the breed was still getting crossed with others to refine it.
Unless your cat is from a reputable breeder, expect the result to be a mishmash of breeds, which may not be all that interesting.
People who say they’re unreliable are like “why would they say my tiny shorthair is 10% main coon as the top breed match?”
which is… yea, that’s the breed they share the most markers with, even if not specifically the markers for long hair and size.
The test is accurate, you just have a moggy, and any breed match is meaningless
I did the Base paws one for my old cat, and intend to do one for my new kittens too, mainly out of curiosity and to see if they have any genetic issues I should keep an eye on, and to see what kind of trait markers he has.
I went with Base paws instead of Wisdom Panel because it’s marginally easier to get a sample, plus it has some info on dental stuff, but both seem good.
The breeds are more for fun I think than to be taken too seriously. However, most kits come with a health screen and we learned that one of my cats is predisposed to heart disease!
Very thankful we know this now and keep an eye out for any symptoms that maybe would’ve been overlooked had we not known what to look for for DNA test.
Can a DNA test identify what breed my cat is?
Yes, a DNA test can help identify the breed or breed mix of your cat! These tests analyze your cat’s genetic material to determine its breed composition, ancestry, and even some health traits or predispositions to certain conditions.
You can definitely get your cat tested for breed. Various companies offer feline DNA testing kits.
You’ll typically swab the inside of your cat’s cheek to collect DNA, send the sample to a lab, and receive a report with your cat’s breed breakdown.
As for the cost, a typical cat DNA breed test usually ranges between $75 and $150, depending on the company and the level of detail offered in the report. Some advanced tests that include health screening can go for more.
Would you like to learn more about these tests, or are you ready to dive into a cat game?
Thanks for the information.
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